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Nichola Kay oo sheegay inuusan jirin wax cadaadis ah oo u caalamku ku hayo madaxweyne Xassan Sheekh



Muqdisho[RBC Radio]Ergayga Qaramada Midoobay ee arrimaha Soomaaliya, danjire Nichola Kay ayaa maanta shir jaraa’id oo u Muqdisho ku qabtay waxaa uu kaga hadlay xiisada siyaasaded ee ka dhextaagay dowladda Soomaaliya,waxuuna sheegay inay ka warhayaan baarlamaanka xubno ka tirsan inay doonayan inuu is-casilo madaxweynuhu.

Waxaa kalo uu sheegay Nichola Kay inaysan beesha caalamku ku cadaadinayn madaxweynaha Soomaaliya inuu is-casilo, isagoo beeniyay in beesha calaamku ay dabada ka riixayso xildhibaannadii madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh ugu baaqay inuu is-casilo.

Nichola Kay waxaa uu ku sheegay dowladda xilligaan jirta inay sameysay horumarro la taaban karo,isagoo intaas raaciyay inaysan doonayn in waqtigaan xasaasiga ah la bedelo dowladda jirta.

..”‘”Waxaan maanta idin cadeynaya ma jiro dalab ka yimid beesha calaamka oo ku aaddan in isbedel lagu sameeyo dowladda Soomaaliya, waxaana ku talin lahaa in dowladda hadda jirta la sugo inta xilligeeda uu ka dhammaanayo,..”””ayuu yiri danjire Kay.

Dhinaca kale,gelinkii dambe ee maanta, ayaa waxa uu kulan dhex maray xildhibaannada baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ee ku baaqay in uu is casilo madaxweynaha Soomaaliya iyo Danjire Nicholas Kay.

Xildhibaannada, ayaa waxay kulanka la yimaadeen warqad ay ku qoran tahay 41 qodobo, oo ay ku sheegayaan in Dowladdu uu hareereeyay fashil muuqdo, muhiimna loo arkay in isbedel la helo.

Xubnihi xildhibaannada ka socday waxaa  kaloo ku doodayaan in ballan-qaadyadii madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud, aanu waxba ka dhaqangelin, haba ugu horeyso bay yiraahdeen xagga ammaanka.

Sidoo kale,waxay Nicholas Kay ku wareejiyeen warqad ay Madaxweynaha kaga dalbanayaan in uu xilka iska casilo, taa oo maanta sidoo kale lagu wareejiyay Guddoonka sare ee Baarlamaanka.

Nicholas Kay ayaa xildhibaannada baarlamaanka u sheegay in uu tixgelinaayo fikirkooda, balse wuxuu ku baaqay in wax kasta oo dhib keeni kara, ay si wada jir ah kaga fogaadaan.

In ka badan 100 xildhibaan ayaa u ololeynaya sidii madaxweynaha uu xafiiska u banneyn lahaa, iyagoo ku eedeeyay inuu ku fashilmay lixdii ajende siyaasadeed ee uu ballan-qaaday hirgelintooda markii uu xafiiska qabtay.

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SOMALIA: Women in the business sector, education, specialised business support, and strategic networks are key to success, says new UNDP study


Garowe (RBC) Women make up over 60% of business owners in Somalia, but still severely lack equal participation and representation in government and the private sector, according to a new study by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) on the Role of Women in the Private Sector in Somalia. . This study was presented today at a stakeholder forum in Garowe, Puntland.

The study shows that women are slowly transcending traditional barriers to women’s representation and leadership in business. Increasing numbers of educated female Somali entrepreneurs are breaking into new sectors such as livestock, fishery and petroleum importation in all three regions. These numbers include local and returning diaspora. In Puntland, women are also now serving on the board of the Chamber of Commerce.

“The Somali private sector is dominated by micro, small and medium enterprises, and women are the main drivers – especially of small businesses. However, women usually enter the sector as a coping mechanism and remain trapped due to a number of barriers that limit their abilities to fully participate in social and political life,” the study revealed.

The study highlights the importance of education and experience – often gained through international exposure – as determinant factors in shifting the role of women in the private sector, from their participation in traditional subsistence-based economy to leadership in non-traditional, business-oriented (still typically male-headed and managed) enterprises. Nevertheless, women struggle to function in an environment where vital business information is still shared in a very informal manner and where strategic networks and strong clan connections (from which they tend to be excluded) persistently determine success.

The study further reveals that women are discriminated against in formal employment and this is most noticeable in both the financial and telecommunications sectors. While women make up roughly around a third of the clientele of banking institutions and 60% of large telecom companies, women hardly feature as employees. The percentage of women being employed in these two sectors was as low as 1 % in some companies, and reached a maximum of only 9%. Evidence suggests that women’s participation in wage labor in Puntland is currently at 40% – mainly concentrated in the agriculture sector.

The study provided recommendations around three areas: 1) policy, 2) programme and 3) advocacy; with focus on issues related to ‘an enabling environment, capacity building of stakeholders, access to finance, pro-poor value chain development, and the establishment of small and medium enterprises.

Some of the study’s specific recommendations include: establishment and reform of legal and regulatory frameworks for the private, financial and energy sectors; shifting economic empowerment activities away from micro enterprises to ‘educated risk takers’, that is, women with more potential to grow their own businesses from subsistence to viable enterprises that can create jobs and contribute to overall economic growth in the country. The study also recommended providing comprehensive business development support services to women.

The further progression of women in the business sector in Somalia also requires commitment for long-term support from donors and UNDP to individual women entrepreneurs, cooperatives and business associations/networks that promote gender equality and women’s empowerment in the private sector.



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Dagaal khasaare dhaliyey oo ka dhacay deegaanno ka tirsan gobolka Waqooyi-bari ee Kenya



Nairobi[RBC Radio]Dabley hubeysan ayaa weerar ku dishey inta la huba afar qof halka ay dhaawacen saddex ruux oo kale,kaddib dagaal ay ku qaaden deegaan lagu magacaabo Kulan oo ka tirsan gobolka waqooyi-bari ee Kenya.

Kooxdan weerarka soo qaaday oo an lamagacaabin,waxaa la sheegay inuu ku jaheystan weerarkooda saldhig boolis oo ku yaalla deegaanka Kulan oo ka tirsan gobolka Soomaaliya xadduudka la leh ee waqooyi-bari.

Dadka deegaanka ayaa saxaafadda u sheegay in kooxda weerarka soo qaaday ay rasaas ku fureen saldhigga, taasoo keentay in ciidamadii ku sugnaa saldhiggaas ay iyaguna is-difaacaan.

Dableydii hubeysned waxaa la sheegay inay muddo kaddib ka carareen saldhig,kaddib markii ciidamo ka tirsan kuwa Kenya ay yimaaden saldhiga booliska ee la weeraray.

Sidoo kale,ciidamada Kenya waxaa ay sameeyen baaritaano xooggan balse ma jirto wali cid la sheegay in loo qabtay tuhan la xiriira weerarka ay saldhigga ku qaaden kooxdi hubeysned.

Ma jirto wali cid sheegatay mas’uuliyada weerarkan,balse inta badan weerarrada ka dhaca Kenya waxaa sheegata ururka Al-shabaab oo Soomaaliya ka dagaallama.

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Xildhibaannada baarlamaanka Kenya oo mooshin ka keenay ciidamada Kenya ka jooga Soomaaliya


Photo/Joseph Mathenge House in session yesterday

Nairobi[RBC Radio]Xubno ka mid ah baarlamaanka Kenya ayaa la sheegay xilligaan inay wadaan qorsho ay ku doonayan sidii ciidamada Keyn ka jooga Soomaaliya looga soo saari laha.

Xildhibaannada arrintan wada waxaa ay saxaafadda u sheegen inay dhawaan u gudbin doonan guddoonka baarlamaanka Kenya mooshin ka dhan ah ciidanka Kenya ka jooga Soomaaliya.

…””Waxaan dhawaan u gudbin doonna hoggaanka baarlamaanka mooshin kaasi oo ku aadan in ciidanka Kenya ka jooga Soomaaliya laga saaro,..””ayuu yiri xildhibaan Ronald Toni oo ka mid ah mudanayaasha mooshinkan wada.

Ronald Toni, oo ka mid ah baarlamaanka Kenya sidoo kale waxaa uu sheegay inay dadaal dheer u gali doonan sidii ciidamada Kenya looga soo saari laha Soomaaliya.

..””Sababtu waxaa ay tahay dhibaatada ka socota Kenya waxaa sabab u ah ciidamada Kenya Soomaaliya ka jooga,argagixisadu waxaa ay dalka u dhibaateynaya waa ciidamada,waa muhiim marka in laga soo saaro,…”‘ayuu yiri xildhibaan Mr Ronald.

Madaxda dalka Kenya oo u ugu horreeyo madaxweynaha dalkaas,waxaa ay dhowr mar si cad u sheegen inaysan ciidanka Kenya ka bixi doonin Soomaaliya,balse lama garan karo inuu wax ka badalo fikirka mooshinka ay xildhibaannadu ka wadan ciidanka.

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Maxaa iska badalay Gaalkacyo,hormar iyo nabad[Sawirro]


Gaalkacyo[RBC Radio]Akhristayaal waxaan halkaan idiin ku soo gudbineynaa,sawirro ka hadlaya isbadalka hormarined ee ka jira Gaalkacyo iyo amniga.

DSC00201 DSC00203 DSC00204 DSC00206 DSC00207 DSC00208 DSC00209 DSC00210 DSC00213 DSC00214 DSC00216 DSC00217 DSC00219 DSC00224 DSC00225 DSC00230 DSC00231 DSC00233 DSC00235 DSC00236 DSC00237 DSC00238 DSC00239 DSC00240 DSC00244 DSC00245 DSC00247 DSC00249 DSC00251 DSC00252 DSC00253 DSC00254 DSC00256 DSC00257 DSC00258 DSC00260 DSC00261 DSC00262 DSC00263 DSC00264 DSC00268 DSC00270 DSC00272 DSC00274 DSC00275 DSC00276 DSC00277 DSC00278 DSC00280 DSC00281 DSC00283 DSC00285 DSC00286 DSC00287 DSC00288 DSC00289 DSC00290 DSC00291 DSC00292 DSC00299 DSC00302 DSC00308 DSC00310 DSC00311 DSC00312 DSC00317 DSC00320 DSC00321 DSC00323 DSC00324 DSC00325 DSC00326 DSC00327 DSC00328 DSC00330~1 DSC00331~1 DSC00332 DSC00335 DSC00336 DSC00349 DSC00350 DSC00351 DSC00352 DSC00353 DSC00354 DSC00355 DSC00356 DSC00357 DSC00358 DSC00359 DSC00360 DSC00361 DSC00364 DSC00367 DSC00374 DSC00375 DSC00381 DSC00382 DSC00384 DSC00387 DSC00390 DSC00557 DSC00560 DSC00562 DSC00571 DSC00572 DSC00573 DSC00575 DSC00577 DSC00578 DSC00579 DSC00580 DSC00581 DSC00587 DSC00588

Sawirradan waxaa ay gaar u yihiin Raxanreeb Online

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Garoowe oo usoo gudubtey Finalka Tartanka East and Central Africa Inter City basketbal



Daara-salaam[RBC Radio]Maantay ayaa la ciyaaray tartanka magaalooyina bariga iyo bartamaha africa inter city Game ciyaartii la wada sugayay ee same finalki tartanka magaaliyinka bariga iyo bartamaha africa inter city Game.

Ciyaartaan oo ka duweyn ciyaarihii hore ayaa aheyd mid aad u adag oo ay wada ciyaareen CITI ZENS SOUTH SUDAN magaalo madaxda labaad ee South Sudan iyo magaalo madaxda Puntalnd ee Garoowe Soomaaliya.

Tartanka ayaa aha mid aad u adag waxaana aan la isku reeban labada dhinacba madaama kooxdii lagabadiiyo ay hareeyso, labada magaalo ayaa ciyaar wanasgan soo bandhigay oo dad weyniihi ka soo qeeb galay aad ugu raaxeysteen ciyaar wanaagooda, kadib si xarage leh weer iyo weerar celin aad u quruxbadan ay madashii ka dhacday.

Gaba gabadi ciyaarta ayaa guusha waxay ku soo dhamaatay Garowe 81 CITI ZENS SOUTH SUDAN 54 halkas waxa finaal u gudubtay magalada caasumada Puntland ee Garowe Guusha ay gaartay magaalada Garowe waxa aad u soo dhaweeyay dhamaan Jaaliyada Soomaaliya iyo Puntalnd madaama magaci Soomaaliya iyo Puntland oo mudo ka badan 23-sano la arag ay maanta koor u qadeen dhalinyarada matalaysay Garowe.


Gudoome ku xigeenka xirirka kubada cagta ee Soomaaliya Mudane Abdirashiid Hassan Hirse (Baki) oo hogaaminayey teamka Garowe ayaa tariikh ku tilmaamay guush ay gaareen hadi aan nahay Soomaaliya.

Gudomiyaha ayaa fariin u diraay Jaaliyada Soomaaliyeed iyo kuwa Puntland in ay dhalinyarada dhirigalin u sameeyaan madaama ay guul wanasgan oo tariikh ah u soo hoyeen, waxay mudan yihin sharaf iyo dhirigalin wanagsan ayuu yiri mudane Baki

Gudoomiyaha ayaa u mahad celiyey Cabdulqadir Cadday oo ka mid ah bahda Sports Soomaaliya oo dhalinyarada ubalan qaaday hadi ay final yimaadan mid walba $100 in u soodirayo asago joga Dalka UK magalad manchester city waana shaqsigi ugu horeeyay oo dhirilagin wax ku ool ah u sameeyay.

Gudoomiayaha ayaa Abdulqadir Caday ku amaanay ugana mahadceliyay dhirigalinti ugu horeeysay ee dhalinyarada loo sameeyay.

Dhinaca kalena mudane Baki ayaa fariin diiran u diraya Jalaaliyada Soomaaliyeed gaar ahaan kuwa Puntland in ay dhalinyarada dhirigalin u sameeyan asagoona sidoo kale Dowladda iyo shacabka reer Puntland ka codsay in ay kaalmo u fidiyaan Ciyaartooyda dhaqaale la’aanta ugu dagaalamaya magaca Soomaaliyeed.

Gudoomiyaha ayaa sidoo kale mahad balaaran u diraya Jaaliyada reer Daarasaalam sida wanasgan ee uga qeeb qateen soo dhaweeynta iyo Daawashada tartan,wuxuuna xusay in aan la iloobi dooni gacal nimada iyo Soomaali nimada ay la garab taagnaayeen ciiyaartooyada, taas qeyb ka ah heerka ay soo gaareen dhalinyarada.

Gudoomiyaha ayaa hadalkisa ku soo gaba gabeeyya mahad balaaran u diraayo dhalinyarada iyo macalinka teamka Garowe sida wanagsan oo ay uga soo baxeen masuuliyada saarneyd madaama ay huwan yihin magaci Soomaaliya iyo magaci caasumada Puntland ee Garowe team

Ciyaar tooydan ayaa ah kuwa aad isku fahansan waqti dheerna ku bixiyay tawabar ay maanta mirihiisa guranayaan, si ay guulo wanagsan u gaaran wayna gaareen ayu ayuu Baki hoosta ka xariiqay.

Baki ” hada waxan taganahay final waxan rajeenayna in aan koobka qaadno, kadiba Soomaaliya iyo Garoowe keeno´.

Wixii faah faahin dheerad ah kala xirri 00255657589831 maamulka teamka Garowe Abdirashid Hassan Hirse Baki
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Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya oo kulan la qaatay madax ka socotay Midowga Yurub[Video]



Muqdisho[RBC Radio]Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya Mudane Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud ayaa maanta ka qeyb galay xuska maalinta Yurub oo ku asteysan 9-ka May, kaasi oo lagu qabtay Muqdisho, iyadoo sidoo kale ay xafladaasi ay ka qeyb galeen Mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan labada gole ee dowladda, Wakiilada beesha caalamka ee Soomaaliya ku sugan iyo marti sharaf kale oo lagu casuumay munaasabadda.

Ugu horeyn waxaa ka hadlay safiirka Midowga Yurub ee Soomaaliya Danire Michele Cervone d’Urso ayaa sheegay in ay aad ugu faraxsanyihiin in Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliya uu kala qeyb galo xuska maalinta Yurub, isagoo tilmaamay inay sii wadayaan taageerada Soomaaliya.

Wakiilka xoghayaha guud ee Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan Soomaaliya Nickolas Kay oo isna munaasabadda hadal ka jeediyay ayaa sheegay in ay tahay talaabo farxadeed in Muqdisho laga xuso maalinta Yurub.

Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya Mudane Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud oo munaasabadda hadal kooban ka jeediyay ayaa sheegay in xuska maalinta Yurub ay ahmiyad ugu fadhido bulshada Soomaaliyeed in sanadkii labaad oo is xiga lagu qabto Muqdisho, waxaana uu intaa ku daray in Midowga Yurub uu gacan ka geystay horumarka dalka.

“Midowga Yurub ilaa iyo xoriyaddii la qaatay waxa uu kala shaqeynayay Soomaaliya dhinacyada horumarka, dowladnimada, soo kabashada dhaqaalaha iyo arrimo kale, waxaana ilaa hadda uu wadaa arrintaasi, wada shaqeynta Midowga Yurub ee Soomaaliya way sii xoogeysaneysaa iyo tan beesha caalamka” ayuu yiri Madaxweyne Xasan.

Sidoo kale Madaxweynaha ayaa khudbadiisa ku sheegay in uu kulan gaar ah la qaatay Wakiilka Xoghayaha guud ee Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan Nickolas Kay oo matalayay bulshada caalamka oo ay uga wada hadleen arrinta hiigsiga cusub (New Deal) in bulshada Soomaaliyeed ay u fahamto faa’iida uu leeyahay, waxaana uu Madaxweynuhu hoosta ka xariiqay in kulankaasi uu yahay mid labo bile ah oo looga arrinsado New Deal iyo waxyaabaha ka hirgalay.

Waa markii labaad ee magaalada Muqdisho lagu qabto xuska maalinta Yurub “Europe day” taasi oo muujineysa in amniga magaalada uu yahay mid la isku haleyn karo.

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SOMALIA: Somalia again on precipice of crisis, HC calls for urgent funding


Mogadishu (RBC) The Humanitarian Coordinator for Somalia Mr. Philippe Lazzarini warned that without intervention Somalia’s fragile food security situation is likely to worsen in the coming months, the UNOCHA said today.

Due to a combination of delayed rains, rising food prices and continued conflict, the humanitarian conditions in Somalia is at risk of sliding back into crisis. Despite the serious situation, resources for Somalia in 2014 are critically low.

“This is not your usual appeal for funds. Some of NGOs and agencies have so few resources that essential life-saving projects are facing closure,” warned Mr. Lazzarini, briefing UN Member States in Geneva. “If funding is not received in a matter of weeks, primary health care services for 3 million people, many of them women and children, may have to be shut down.”

So far in 2014, the Strategic Response Plan for Somalia has received only 15 per cent of the US$933 million requested, a shortfall of $790 million. This time last year, nearly twice this amount of funding had been received.Aid agencies are already struggling to meet the needs of affected people they have access to; covering the anticipated needs of people in areas that may become accessible due to the ongoing military campaign against Al Shabaab will be extremely difficult if more funding is not mobilised.

Somalia experienced a devastating famine in 2011 in which 250,000 people died. While there have been some incremental improvements, the country still has not fully recovered. Today, 857,000 Somalis are considered to be in ‘crisis and emergency’ conditions and 2 million Somalis are under food security ‘stress.’

“The parallels to the pre-famine period in 2010, when the combination of shrinking access, declining funds and a few failed rainy seasons led to a devastating crisis, are very worrying,” said Mr. Lazzarini. “Early warnings must trigger early action at a speed and a scale that saves lives. This requires both immediate access and urgent resources.”


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Villa Soomaaliya oo ku Mashquulsan Kulamo Siyaasadeed oo Lagu Shiiqinayo Kacdoonka Xildhibaanada (Faallo)


madaxtooyada-soomaaliyaMuqdisho (RBC) Madaxtooyada Soomaaliya ayaa si weyn ugu mashquulsan kulamo siyaasadeed oo looga gol leeyahay in lagu kala tuuro kacdoonka xildhibaanada qaar ay wadaan ee ka dhanka ah madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud.

Kulamada siyaasadeed ayaa habeen iyo maalin ka socda xafiisyada madaxtooyada, waxaana si isdabajoog ah kulamo ay saraakiil ka tirsan xafiiska madaxtooyada ugu yeerayaan xildhibaanada si loo helo in qaar badan oo ka mid ah mudanayaashii dhowaan soo saaray baaqa ku socday madaxweynaha ee looga codsaday inuu iscasilo ay dib uga laabtaan baaqaasi.

Qaar ka mid ah xildhibaano ka qeybgalay kulamadii habeen hore, ayaa axanreeb u sheegay in tiro xildhibaano ah oo ka mid ahaa kuwii magacyadooda ay ku soo bexeen baaqa iscasilaada madaxweynaha lagu martiqaaday madaxtooyada, iyadoo saraakiisha Villa Soomaaliya olole weyn ugu jiraan sidii loo yareyn lahaa kacdoonka ay wadaan xildhibaanada.

Xildhibaanada ka qeybgalay kulamada oo si hoose aanu u xog wareysanay ayaa sheegay in dhawaqii xildhibaanada uu gilgilay madaxtooyada, lagana dareemi karay qaabkii madaxweyne Xasan loogu soo dhoweeyay Muqdisho markii uu ku soo laabtay Arbacadii la soo dhaafay, taasoo run ahaan ka duwaneyd sidii madaxweynaha loo sooo dhoweyn jiray.


baarlamaanka-federaalka-620x330Sida ay sheegayaan dadka ka hadlla siyaasada, xildhibaanada tiradooda ku sheegay 130 ee toddobaadkii hore keenay baaqa iscasilaada madaxweynaha, waa kuwa aan heyn xilalka wasiiraa ama wasiir ku xigeenada ee xukuumadda raysal wasaare C/weli Sheekh Axmed.

Waxaa la leeyahay dagaalka hoose ee ugu weyn waxa uu hadda u dhexeeyaa xildhibaanada wasiirada ah (wasiirada dawlada 80% waa xildhibaano) oo difaacaya madaxweynaha iyo kuwa aan wasiirada helin ee ku baaqay in madaxweynuhu iscasilo.

Caadi ahaan khilaafaadka madaxda sare iyo baarlamaanka dhexmara, ayaa ugu dammben isugu biyo shubta dagaal baarlamaanka dhexdiisa ah, maadaama goobta lagu kala baxayo uu yahay codka baarlamaanka, sidaas awgeed hadda la yaab ma leh haddii khilaafka baarlamaanka iyo Villa Soomaaliya uu u soo wareego isla baarlamaanka dhexdiisa.


Baaqa ka soo baxay xildhibaanada ee iscasilaada madaxweynaha weli ma gaarin heer mooshin, waxaana xeeldheerayaasha siyaasadda ay ku fasirayaan in xildhibaanada ay adag tahay inay mooshin ama dacweyn [impeachment] ka keenaan madaxweynaha labo sababood dartood;

Waa marka hore; badi xildhibaanada baarlamaanka oo qaabkii ay ku yimaadeen la wada ogaa inuu hareeyay musuq iyo qabyaalada, sidaasi awgeedna mudane kasta uu weli sito shaarka qabiilka iyo kii lacagta, mabda’ lastana waxaa kala weyn lacagta, taasina waxay fursad u tahay madaxda sare, oo markasta oo baarlamaanka soo qeyliyo ay iska aamusiyaan (mana ahan kaliya madaxtooyada ee waa madaxda oo dhan oo ay ku jiraan wasiirada).

Arrinta labaad ee fursada u ah madaxtooyada ayaa ah tirada badan ee mudanayaasha raacsan mabda’ Dam Jadiid ama guud ahaan urur diimeedka Al Islaax iyo inta ay gadaal kaga daarteen ee golaha baarlamaanka ku jira, taasoo xitaa hadii ay dhacdo in cod lagu kala baxo ay adkaa doonto in Xasan Sheekh cod lagu rido.

Xeer dheerayaasha siyaasadda waxay leeyihiin, buuqa iyo isqabqabsiga bilo kooban ayuu socon doonaa ugu dambeyna wuxuu ku dhamaan doonaa in mudanayaasha laga farxiyo, waxa kaliya ee laga dhaxli doono buuqana waa mudada iyo fursada ka lumi doonta xukuumadda iyo guud ahaan dawlada, oo laga yaabo in dhowrkaas bilood ku mashquusho isqabqabsigan siyaasadeed.


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RW,Soomaaliya oo Garoowe laga dhawrayo.



Garoowe (RBC RADIO) Ra’iisul’Wasaaraha Dalka Soomaliya Mudane C/Wali Sheekh Axmed ayaa la dhawrayaa in uu soo gaaro Puntland gaar ahaan Garoowe 7kan aynu ku guda jirto wuxuuna la kulmi doonaa Madaxda Puntland oo uu ugu horeeyo Madaxwaynaha iyo masuuliyiinta kale ee Dowladda.

waxyaabaha ugu muhiimsan ee laga wada hadli doono ayeey wararku sheegayaan in ay noqon doonaan isu soo dhawaynta Dowladda Federaalka iyo Dowladda Puntland oo hada xiriirkoodu uusan hagaagsanayn, iyo isla eegida Dastuurka Dalka oo Puntland ay horay u sheegtay in faragelin lagu sameeyey.

Imaanshaha Mudane C/wali waxay dad badan hadal hayaan in ay dawo u noqon doonto is faham dhexmara Puntland iyo Dowladda Soomaliya meeshana laga saaro Mugdiga u dhexeeya 2da dhinac loona raadiyo Midnimada Soomaliya.


Xafiiska Garoowe.

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Qaramada Midoobay oo ku baaqdey in wax laga qabto xaaladda Soomaaliya

Phillipe Lazzarini

Phillipe Lazzarini

Genava[RBC Radio]Qaramada Midoobay ayaa walaac ka qabta xaaladda Soomaaliya,waxaana la sheegay dalku inuu food la siigalayo xaalad bani’aadanimo,waxaa sida saxaafadda u sheegay Isuduwaha arrimaha bani’aadamnimada Qaramada Midoobay.

..””‘Roobabka oo aad u yar, qiimaha cuntada oo sare maray iyo dagaalada oo socda ayaa sababay in xaalada Soomaaliya ay kasii darto,..”””ayuu yiri Phillipe Lazzarini oo ah Isuduwaha arrimaha bani’aadamnimada Qaramada Midoobay.

Phillipe Lazzarini,waxaa uu caalamka ugu baaqay inay si dhaqso ah ugu soo jeestan xaaladda Soomaaliya,waxuuna intaasi ku daray haddii sida ugu dhaqsiyaha badan aan arimahaasi wax looga qaban inay horseedi karto in xaaladdu ay kasii darto bilo kadib, qaas ahaan haddii dhaqaalaha taageerada uu yaraado ay sababi karto in mashaariicda ay hoos u dhacaan.

..””‘Waa muhiim caalamku inuu la socdo haddii dhaqaalaha aan lagu helin todobaadyada soo socda, adeegyada caafimaadka dadka u baahan oo gaaraya 3 milyan, oo badankood ay yihiin haween iyo caruur, ayaa noloshooda weyn kara,..”””sidaasi ayuu yiri Mr Lazzarini.

Xuman-shiyaha xaaladda bani’aadanimo ee Soomaaliya,waxaa uu sabab ugu dhigay inays oo daahen roobabkii xilligaan oo kale ka di’i jiray gobollada koonfurta ku yaalla iyo guud ahaanba dalka.

Phillipe Lazzarini,waxaa uu xaaladda Soomaaliya kaga hadlay shir uu saxaafadda ugu qabtay magaalada Genava ee dalka Switzerland.

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Xaafadda Islii oo u muuqanaysa inay Soomaalidu baneeyen



Nairobi[RBC Radio]Magaalada Nairobi ee xarunta dalka Kenya,waxaa ku taallay xaafadda ugu ballaaran geeska Afrika ee ay Soomaalidu ku noolaayen,balse xilligaan waxaa ay u muuqanaysa inay tahay meel ay Soomaalidu ka caagan-yihiin.

…”””Way adagtahay inad hadda aragtid tiro dhallinyaro Soomaali ah oo xilligaan ku sugan Islii ,waayo intooda badan xabsiyo ayey ku jaraan kuwa waxaa loo celiyey Soomaaliya,waxaa jira kuwe kale oo iyaguna tagay dalalka Kenya dariska la ah,sida Uganda iyo Itoobiya,..””ayuu yiri Cismaan Cali oo ka mid ah dhallinyarada Nairobi.

Wariye ka tirsan Raxanreeb ayaa isna dhankiisa sheegay inuu yaraaday dhaq-dhaqaaqi Soomaalida Islii ku nooleyd,waxuuna tilmaamay inay baneeyen xaafadda iyagoo ka cabsi qaba inay dhibaato soo gaarto.

Ciidamada ammaanka Kenya ayaa dhinacooda howlgallo lugu sheefay”xaqiijinta amniga” wali ka wada magaalada caasumada ah ee Nairobi.

Howlgalka xilligaan soconaya ayaa sababay inay Soomaalidu isaga baxaan Nairobi,walow boqollaal ay wali ku jiran xabsiya.

…”””Howlgalka socda ma aha kuwa lugu raadinayo dadka an sharciga heysan,waxaan heysta sharciga Kenya,waxaana dhacday in boolisku dhowrmar i handadeen,xilligaan waxaan go’ansadey inan isaga tago Nairobi,..””‘sida waxaa yiri Mowlid Jaamac oo ka mid ah Soomaalida heysata sharciga Kenya.

Ganacsiga iyo waxbarashada 

Ganacsiga Islii oo gaaray in xaafadda ay noqoto suuqyada Afrika ayaa xilligaan hoos u dhac ballaan ku yimid.

Howlgallada ay wadaan ciidamada Kenya ayaa waxay saameyn ku yeesheen howlihii ganacsiga ee xaafadda Islii, iyadoo ganacsato badan oo Soomaaliyeed ay ka mid noqdeen dadka howlgallada lagu qab-qabtay.

Sidoo kale, ganacsadahan ayaa sheegay in dadkii ganacsi ahaanta u imaanayay xaafadda Islii ay iyaguna hoos u dhaceen, kuwaasoo inta badan ahaa Soomaali ku nool magaalada Nairobi.

Waxbarashada ayaa la mid ah ganacsiga Schoolada ayaa qarka u saaran inay xirmaan,waa kuwa ay Soomaalidu wax ka baranjiren.

..”‘Waxbarashada Islii,waxaa saamen ku yeeshey howlgallada,waxaa yaraadey ardeydi,waxaana jira Schoolo qarka u saaran inay xirmaan,..””ayuu yiri macallin wax ka dhiga mid ka mid ah macahida Islii ku yaalla.

Dhinaca kale,saraafadda Soomaaliya ee magaalada Nairobi ayaa ka dayrinaysa xaaladda ay ku sugan yihiin dad Soomali ah oo ku xiran garoonka diyaaradaha ee magaalada Nairobi ee Jomo Kenyatta.

Dadkani Soomaalida ah ayaa sugaya in loo musaafuriyo dalkooda hooyo ee Soomaaliya.

Kenya,waxaa ay la-dagaallamaysa sida ay sheegen madaxdoda argagaxisa oo ay sheegen inay dhibaato ku yihiin amniga dalka.

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SOMALIA: PM Abdiweli to visit Garowe


uuMogadishu (RBC) Soomali Prime Minister Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed is expected to visit Garowe town, the capital of Somalia’s semi-autonomous state of Puntland, officials told RBC Radio.

The Prime Minister’s visit to Garowe will take place later this week.

Officials in Puntland including President Abdiweli Ali Gaas and his ministers commenced to arrange and prepared for the visit of the country’s Prime Minister.

The ties between Puntland and the Federal Government of Somalia in Mogadishu were not healthy since last year following Puntland allegations of that Federal Government made unaware amendment of the Federal Constitution.  The allegations were dismissed by the Federal Government.

Prime Minister Abdiweli is expected to hold talks with Puntland president during his stay in Garowe later this week.


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KENYA: Eastleigh once known as ‘little Mogadishu’ turns to abondoned


islii-Nairobi (RBC) The Nairobi’s Eastleigh suburb, which once known as ‘little Mogadishu’ has now turned to abandoned place as hundreds of residents and business owners daily leaving back to Somalia, RBC Radio reports.

The Kenyan security forces continue targeting Somalis in the Usalama Watch security crackdown.  Nearly 200 Somalis were deported back to Mogadishu in the past three weeks by Kenyan Government.  But Somalis now started to buy their tickets and return home deserting their businesses in Nairobi.

If you walk on the streets in Eastleigh, you can rarely see few shops opened, or even Somali ethnics walking or sitting in coffee shops.   Some of the most busiest clothes shops are now for sale, because the owners are getting prepared to establish business in home country, Somalia.

“We were here for more than 10 years, but the situation has changed. There is no place like home.” said Osman Ali.

“I took my wife and children two weeks ago to Mogadishu.  Now I am preparing my self to return.” he added.

Not only business places, but also private schools were closed and some are nearly to be deserted after the Kenyan.

“Students can not come to schools because their parents were either arrested or deported, so there is no way for education.” Mohamed Ali, a school teacher said.

Despite he holds a Kenyan passport, Mr Ali now thinks himself to return to Somalia and establish his private school in his home country.

The first Secretary of Somalia Embassy Ali Bagadi has mentioned that the embassy is expecting in the coming weeks more Somali citizens will voluntarily return back to Mogadishu due to the peace and development happening in their country.


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SOMALIA: What did Judy Cheng-Hopkins and Nick Kay say in their press conference?


Mogadishu (RBC) A joint press conference was held in Mogadishu this week by the Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations Judy Cheng-Hopkins and the UN envoy to Somalia, Nick Kay touching some vital issues for this country.

Here is the transcript of what they both said.

SRSG Kay: It is a great pleasure today to welcome Assistant Secretary-General Judy Cheng-Hopkins, who is responsible for peacebuilding in the United Nations in New York. Judy has long experience – 36 years – working in the United Nations. She has worked in humanitarian, development, disaster management positions in UNDP, UNHCR and WFP. And now the Assistant Secretary-General will explain a little about her mission and peacebuilding and then we will open it for your questions.

ASG Cheng-Hopkins: Salaam Alaykum. I am very happy to be here; I am here with my colleague from HQ, Patrice [Chiwota, Senior Programme Advisor for the UN Peacebuilding Support Office]. As the SRSG has said, I’ve had a long, long experience with the UN; in fact I have been to Somalia in my previous role with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), but now here looking at the peace-building prospects to see what the UN Peacebuilding Fund can do for Somalia in this country. This is my fifth day here, it is a five day mission basically; I have had meetings with the Prime Minister, with the Minister of Interior, with the Deputy Minister of Finance, the Speaker of Parliament. But I also wanted to see for myself away from Mogadishu what’s happening on the ground in the field, especially in the Shabaab-cleared areas, so I spent a day in Kismayo; I also spent the day yesterday in Hudur.

The Peacebuilding Fund was set up by the UN Security Council & UN General Assembly about nine years ago because it was felt there wasn’t sufficient attention, sufficient funding for peacebuilding opportunities as countries emerged from war. So while Somalia still has internal conflict, and still has a problem with Al Shabaab and with other groups, the feeling is that there are sufficient windows of opportunity in certain parts of the country where we should invest now in peacebuilding so that the sustainability of that peace can be preserved and not wait for the entire country to go into peace before we invest.

As I said, this Peacebuilding Fund is a relatively new fund. It is not huge but it is not little either; we are talking about some $100 million for about twenty-something countries around the world in a similar situation with you, emerging from war. The whole philosophy behind this Peacebuilding Fund is to invest in areas where there are windows of opportunity so that we can stop the relapse of violence, we can target the various triggers of conflict and hopefully that way sustain the peace.

We are not to be confused with humanitarian aid; we are not a fund for humanitarian activities, nor are we a development fund. We are the fund for peace-building and our philosophy is, as I said, there are certain windows, certain opportunities in peacebuilding and we have to move fast, because those opportunities may not be there forever. We have to move fast, and we have a facility called the Immediate Response Facility – I’m here now in Somalia trying to see what is the best way to use this Immediate Response Facility.

One of the first projects that we have identified so far – and my colleague Patrice is here from New York working with UNSOM and with UNDP and the others  on this whole project – is this $3 million dollar project to build up the local administration in the cleared areas. I believe they have identified some 25 districts that are now relatively secure where local government is still weak so the whole idea of this project is to build up the capacity of local government as well as to  - in every sense, in the sense of equipping them, providing salaries for a short-term, bringing in the trainers from the federal government to come and boost and train up this local administration – but also very much, I would say half of the budget, is to reach out to civil society, to the activities for reconciliation of the civil society as well as for the outreach of local government, so that they are very well aware that they are there to serve the civil society and be very conscious of that. So this is very much the strategy of this project – as I said, to boost the capacity of local government but to also make them very cognizant of their role vis-à-vis civil society.

So when I’m talking about reaching out to civil society, obviously I’m talking about basically three or four groups: a very important element, as you are aware, is the clan leadership – I think to do any project of this nature, of this sort, without reaching out and having the clan leadership involved would be a mistake. By the same token, because of the situation of women and youth in this country, the project will also reach out and take the opinions and take into consideration what ought to be done for women and the youth as well.

Lastly, just to say that this project has, as I said, been discussed with government – with the Federal Government as well as with the local officials – but also with the donor community. The whole idea is to be well coordinated; whatever we are doing at this level of boosting the capacity, we are also making sure that donors are in the same areas providing basic services, infrastructure, needs of the local population so that everybody is moving in harmony and everybody can see what the whole strategy is. The last thing we want is donors to be working at cross purposes – somebody doing something here or duplicating each other, just as bad. We have learnt a lot of lessons now and I think hopefully these will be well applied in a case like Somalia that really needs well-coordinated, smart kind of interventions.

Besides this $3 million, we have also been entertaining ideas and proposals on how we spend another $7 million – I think I can already announce it now that we are committed to spending $10 million very fast under the Immediate Response Facility – and so we are entertaining ideas for the other $7 million. I just had a long meeting with civil society organizations, an excellent meeting because they are so well informed, so articulate in identifying the needs of Somalia today in peacebuilding. Some ideas have come forward, and including when I was in Hudur and Kismayo talking to local officials, to the Governor, the DC, as well as civil society. I think obviously one project that comes to mind is what we can do for the defectors, the so-called disengaged combatants, from Al Shabaab and other militias, how we can reintegrate these youth back into society by giving them skills, by giving them an opportunity for a livelihood, so that they don’t fall back into these activities that are the root of the instability of Somalia.

I think maybe this is sufficient in terms of a brief overview and I’ll hand it back to SRSG Kay or [addressing the media] do you want to ask any questions?

SRSG KAY: Thank you very much Judy, thank you very much Abdullahi [interpreter], let’s have some questions from the ladies and gentlemen of the media.

Q: For SRSG Kay, we hear rumors or information that SRSG Kay is meeting this afternoon with MPs who are preparing a motion against the President – if you can tell us more about that.

SRSG Kay: Thank you very much. Yes, this afternoon I believe some of the representatives of the signatories of a petition want to deliver the petition to me and I have accepted to receive them and to receive the petition from them. Until I meet them I don’t know what the subject really is but my door is always open and I’m here to interact and listen and work with all Somalis.

Q: We hear reports that the international community has asked President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud to resign. Can you tell us more about that?

SRSG Kay: Not true at all. I have no understanding that that is the case. In my conversations with international partners, we all agree on the very strong need for continuity and stability at this time in Somalia.

I hope there will be some questions also for ASG Cheng-Hopkins about building peace, particularly in Qoryooley, Hudur and other recovered areas.

Q: I would like to ask the ASG a question on her visit. She told us that she visited Kismayo and Hudur; I’d like to ask her about the security situation on the ground as you saw it.

ASG Cheng-Hopkins: Let’s be very clear that this is a one-day visit, so from a one-day visit I can give you my impressions, but obviously it is a lot more complicated than that, a lot more complex and obviously more in-depth analysis is needed. Just from my very short visit, I can tell you that I was actually quite pleasantly surprised in Hudur that despite the UN – which has strict restrictions on where we can go and wander off to – it was a pleasant surprise that in Hudur we were walking around the market pretty freely, having a chance to speak to the women who are traders, their children, selling some rice, some vegetables.  I wanted to go to the market because a lot of times that’s a very good indication, a good microcosm of society, especially of village life, because everything happens at the market – what foods are available, what are the people selling, how do they feel, are they pessimistic or optimistic – so it’s a very good place to get a lot of information in a short time, that’s why I wanted to go. As I said, I managed to have little conversations with the ladies and also got the sense that you could walk around quite freely in Hudur.

Kismayo was, I guess because it is a bigger city, it is a bit more controlled in terms of my ability to move around, but also the fact that we could go and we could have all these meetings with civil society is already a very big development from probably some months or a year ago or two years ago.

Q: Two questions. ASG Cheng Hopkins, the project that you highlighted – the $3million dollars that the Peacebuilding Office is funding in 25 districts; the implementation of this project, will it be in the hands of Somali partners or will it be implemented by the Peacebuilding Office itself?

Second question: Your visit, you told us, covered Kismayo and Hudur. Why didn’t you visit during your five days here, other recovered areas like Bulo-Burte and Qoryooley? These are also recovered areas – why didn’t you visit?

ASG Cheng-Hopkins: Well, to answer the last one first, I actually insisted that I go out in the field and not stay in Mogadishu. You are well aware of the logistics constraints here; it was already a challenge to go to Kismayo and Hudur and I am so grateful to the UNSOM office for arranging that – I don’t know, maybe we could have squeezed in another site, but to be honest about my position, I cannot come to a country without also talking to the leaders, this is after all the UN, I have to make my calls, so the time was just limited. I wish I could stay another week…maybe I will, maybe I’ll change my ticket now. Because it was so fascinating, it was just so interesting to go out there, far away from Mogadishu, to listen to their perspectives, not just of these very strong elders, the very strong opinions of youth, of governors, the Governor of Hudur as you know, he’s known by reputation to be a very strong person with strong views, but also to listen to civil society – the youth and the women, and hearing a whole different perspective I think is so important and that’s why I always insist on that…to see life from the capital is not a full picture.

Your first question, on implementation. We are still working out the details of implementation but we have no presence on the ground, we are a fund and I manage the fund. We work with implementing partners, so as I said, in this project of local administration and reaching out to civil society and reconciliation, the major implementing partner would be UNSOM and UNDP, but obviously the whole capacity development I was talking about – remember I used the word caretaker – the whole idea of the strategy behind this is that the government does have a small group of Somalis that I assume have long experience in civil service but they are limited in number. They will be sent out to these local administrations and doing the job, starting up the job, but also training and building up the capacity of the new recruits – people joining local government or who need further training – they will stay for several months and then they will move on to the next district and do the same thing and move on. This is the strategy – not to bring a bunch of expatriates or outsiders who have no clue about how Somali society functions, how Somali local government functions, what the challenges are. This way I think we can get the maximum out of it by involving the local knowledge and local expertise in doing this activity.

Q: Two Questions. In Somalia, conflict is not only Al Shabaab; there are conflicts among clans, there is also conflict between different administrations, like the one in the Sool and Sanaag area between Somaliland and Puntland. Are you just focusing on areas recovered from Al Shabaab or can these other types of conflict also be paid attention to?

Second question: these UN warnings coming up about the humanitarian disaster looming in terms of food and things like that, is this also something that you will be paying attention to?

ASG Cheng-Hopkins: On the first question, on why only Shabaab-cleared areas, as I said, the challenges are so great in this country in terms of, in every field, including in conflict resolution and what one does in the peacebuilding efforts. So yes, we are starting with Shabaab-cleared areas, we have identified these with the government, with the local officials and with civil society and with the donors, so that’s the first phase. Later on, once we have the experience, what works, what doesn’t, there’s no prevention for us to go into other areas. But as I said, the needs are so huge you’ve got to start with a clear strategy of what you want to do as opposed to being pulled in a thousand different directions and not doing it well. So to answer your question, for the moment yes, it is the Shabaab-cleared areas and then eventually obviously it can be expanded to other areas in need of this kind of activity.

Your second question. When I went to Hudur I really got a mouthful, I got very strong comments from civil society, the elders, from the Governor, of the acute shortage of food in that region, in that area, so I am well aware of it, but as I said earlier on, we are peacebuilding, and I’m not saying that in a bureaucratic way, that I can only do this and not that. We have to be aware that the way the international division of labour within the UN works is we have to stick to our areas otherwise the donors will turn away from us to say that there are others doing this work and you should be, then you start losing any kind of competitive edge you had in that area, so we have to be very mindful of that. It’s not to be bureaucratic or anything, but to stick to our mandate…I think it’s very important to do it well so that we can have the donor confidence, because we raised the money; we work hard in raising the money, there is nothing that comes free. I work very hard to raise money and to prove that we can do what we do well, and our area is peacebuilding. But it doesn’t mean that I close my eyes to what’s going on in that humanitarian field, so definitely we are going to be having a meeting this afternoon with a lot of our sister agencies in the UN, in the humanitarian field, and we will have a good discussion over what I heard and what their response is.

SRSG Kay: Shall I just answer on the humanitarian situation, just to complement ASG Cheng-Hopkins. It is true that there is a very serious, continued humanitarian crisis in Somalia, and it is true that there is an urgent need for extra funding for supporting humanitarian work. The Consolidated Appeal for humanitarian work has only been funded 12 percent by the international donor community. Without additional funding, I am afraid that women and children and vulnerable people will begin to suffer both from food and medical…inadequate treatment. This is an urgent and serious situation and we are watching very, very carefully the potential for food insecurity in the next months on Somalia – the climatic conditions, the conditions on the ground resulting from the offensive and resulting from Al Shabaab’s action to cut food supplies to towns – all of these give us some serious concerns.

Q: To SRSG Kay – my question is, this repeated dispute among Somali leaders, we want to know the views of the United Nations. You told us today you are meeting some MPs who have signed a petition against the President. Those MPs, do you agree with them? How does the UN view this ongoing conflict among the Somali leaders?

SRSG Kay: Somali people have decided that you want to build a new Somalia, you want to build a new Federal Somalia with a new Constitution and with democratic elections in 2016. You have chosen that as your agenda and your objectives.

The international community, through the United Nations Security Council, has asked me, told me, to come to Somalia and to help you to achieve those objectives. You have a plan, your government has a vision for 2016, which means this year in 2014 you will agree which are the interim regional administrations for future federal states, next year in 2015 you will agree a new Constitution, and in 2016 you will have elections. That is an ambitious but possible plan.

To achieve that, there is a lot of work that has to be done – in the Parliament, passing laws, in the country, discussions between the Federal Government and the regions – there is a lot of work that needs to be done. I have to say frankly, if there is to be any change of government or any change of leadership here, I think that would have a severe effect on the chances of achieving your targets by 2016.

Q: Seeking clarification on the peacebuilding fund – is it $3 million or $7 million. She is also asking what is the aim or the target of the project – is it the district administrations or something else?

ASG Cheng-Hopkins: The $3 million is a project that is about to be approved very soon, and this $3 million is to try and boost the local administrations of some 25 districts, build up the capacity and also reach out to civil society in terms of reconciliation, in terms of how they work together with local government so local government meets their needs. This is the $3 million.

There is another $7 million that we are looking to approve for Somalia, always under the Immediate Response [Facility], we want to do things faster, we don’t want to drag on for months and months and months. So this other $7 million we are in the process of talking to many interlocutors, to local officials, NGOs – we just had a meeting with NGOs – in order to try to get some more new ideas of peacebuilding, using the $7 million. So yes, we expect to have $10 million approved for Somalia in the next few months, very quickly. Of course there is other funding available, but I want to focus on this $10 million first.

SRSG Kay: Thank you very much for all your questions, thank you Judy for your answers and thank you Abdullahi for all your interpreting.

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SOMALIA: UN Envoy urges increased funding for “serious” humanitarian situation


Mogadishu (RBC) The United Nations Envoy to Somalia, Nicholas Kay, has highlighted the need for urgent funding to relieve the serious humanitarian situation in the country, noting that without additional support, many vulnerable Somalis risked falling deeper into crisis.

“There is a very serious, continuing humanitarian crisis in Somalia and there is an urgent need for extra funding for supporting humanitarian work,” Mr. Kay said at a press conference in Mogadishu on 8 May. “Without additional funding, I am afraid that women, children and vulnerable people will begin to suffer from lack of health care and food. This is an urgent and serious situation.”

According to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, humanitarian funding for Somalia is just 15 percent funded, with a shortfall of some US$790 million for the year.

“We are watching very carefully the potential for food insecurity in the next months in Somalia – the climatic conditions, the conditions on the ground resulting from the offensive and resulting from Al Shabaab’s action to cut food supplies to towns – all of these give us some serious concerns,” Mr. Kay added.


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Garoowe oo kaalinta labaad ka gashey tartankii Inter City basketbal[Sawirro]



Daara-salaam[RBC Radio]Tartanki kama danbeesta ahaa Bariga iyo Bartamaha Africa ayaa maantay saacad ka hor soo gaba gaboowday, kadib marki isku soo hareen labada magaalo Garoowe Puntland Soomaaliya iyo Qaahira Masar.

Tartanka ayaa ahaa mid aad u adeg labada magaalo si weyna loosoo buuxiyay madaama ay soo kala reebeen magaaloyiin aad u adeeg, ciyaarta ayaa ku bilabaatya dar dar aad u adeeg waxay labada maagaalo soo bandhigeen ciyaar aad ay ugu farxaan dad weynihi ka soo qeeb galay tartanka ciyaarta, waxeyna ku soo dhamaatay jawi aad u wanasgan ayadoo koobki ay ku guuleesteen magalada Qahira ee Dalka masara kadib markey la yimaadeen Qahira 84, halka Magaalada Garoowe Soomaaliya ay dhaliyeen 74.

Dawadayaal badan oo Soomaaliyeed ayaa madashii ilmo la faristay kadib markii Guush iyo koobkiiba uu dhinac maray Dalka Soomaaliya.

Gudoomiye ku xigeenka xirirka kubada cagta ee Soomaaliya ayaa ku tilmaamay tartanka mid aad u tariikh u ah, magacii Soomaaliyeed iyo Puntlandna koor u qaadnay, madaama aan finalki la ciyaarnay Dal aad looga danbeeyo kubada koleyga oo dhaqaalo iyo taageerana lala garab taaganyahay ayuu yiri mudane Bakin.

Gudoomiyaha ayaa hoosta ka xariiqay in ay ka sootageen 6 wiil oo aad khatar u ahaa gacan weyna ka geysan lahaa hadey joogi lahaayeen, madaama ay u saamixi weyday dhaqaalaha safarka taasina ay keenaty in si fudud koobka uu u dhaafo dalka Soomaaliya, inkastoo ay dadaal weyn dhalinyaradu muujisay.

Gudoomiyaha ayaa sheegay in ay dhalinyarada aad u dadaaleen kulamo adegna ay ciyaareen dhawacyo iyo daal farabadan ka muuqday, hase yeeshee waxaan marnaba la iloobi karin guusha taatiikhiga ah ay gaareen ayuu yiri Baki.

Waa wax aan la fileyniin in Soomaaliya ay soo gaarto Final ayadoo ay hareen dalaal waa weyn, wa waana wax lagu faano heerka aan gaarnay mudane dhoor iyo labatan sano kadib dhibco yar lanooga qaaday Koobkii Afrkia ayuu yiri Baki.

Gudoomiyaha ayaa u mahad celiyey ciyaartooyda iyo macalinka dadaalka wanagsan ay gaareen ee guusha weyn u ah umadda Soomaaliya oo tariikhda galay in ciyaartoy matelysa magaalada Garoowe ay noqdaan magaalad ugu wanasgan tartanka inta u socday, yagoo ka badiyay magaalooyin waaween sida Daarasaalam Jubba Bambasa Mbeya CITI ZENS intaas oo magaalo waa guul tariikh ah.

Waxaa xusid mudan in ay hareen dalalkale oo waa weyn, oo ayagana gaari waayay wareega 2aad.

Gaba gabadi ayaa gudoomiyaha u mahad celiyey madaxweynaha Puntland sida wanagsan u dhalinyarada iyo maamulka team Garowe ugu mahad celiyeey guusha ay gareen khadka telphoonka mudo halsac ah, dhamaan ciyaartoyda iyo maamulka la hadlayey si wanagsan.

Sidoo kale maamulka Degmada Garowe iyo Wasirada Puntland dhamaantot xiriro wanagsan ayeey la soo sameeyeen ciyaartooyda Soomaaliyeed.

Baki ayaa si gaar ah ugu mahad caliye Gudoomiyaha nadiga Comsed Cabdiqani Carabey oo aha halyeeygi qeebta ween ka qaatay tartanka abaabulka iyo inta u socday iyo marki u dhamaaday xirri jogta ah la sameenayay, sidoo kale qeybta ka qaatay xaga warbaahinta iyo tartanka.

Cabdiqani ayaa ahaa shaqsi mar walba u taagan Sports Puntland. gaba gabadi ayaa Gudoomiyahu u mahad caliyey Jaaliyada Soomaaliyeed ee magaalada Daarasalam sida wanagsan oo mar walba u taageerayeen.

Baki “waad ku mahad sanyihiin taageeradiin, waxaad natusteen walaalnimo, hadi aan nahay teamki ku ciyaarayay magaca” Garowe Soomaaliya ayuu yiri Mudane Baki”

Gudoomiyaha ayaa maamullka tartanka ku tilmaamay mid wanasgan oo si cadaalad ah ku bilaamay kuna dhaamday, magaalada Garowe ayaa noqotay magaaladi ugu horeeysya oo magaca Soomaaliya wadata soo gaarta final tartanka inter city Game gasheyna kaalinta 2aad.

Gudoomiyaha ayaa gaba gabadi sheegay in sanadka danbe ay ka duwanaandoonto sanadkaan hadii alle idmo, ayagoo keeni doona maagaaloyin horleh oo Puntland.
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SOMALIA: President chairs High Level Meeting on Somalia’s New Deal Compact


M.HASSAN.SHMogadishu (RBC) Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has today chaired the first High Level Partnership Forum Executive Meeting in Mogadishu which was Attended by more than 15 Ambassadors and international agency representatives, RBC Radio reports.

The Forum reviewed progress of the Federal Government of Somalia and the associated support of the international community in achieving activities outlined in the New Deal Compact, Vision 2016 and the Peace and State building Goals.

The HLPF oversees the implementation of the Somali Compact, which is the overarching platform to address Somalia’s peace- and state-building priorities between 2013 and 2016. The UN and international partners have committed to align their support in Somalia to the Somali Compact’s priorities in the areas of inclusive political dialogue; security; justice; economic foundations and revenue & services.

Speaking to the group, The President provided evidence that the Federal Government has delivered a wide range of agreed goals. Achievements presented include liberating three million people in 9 towns in 6 regions from the scourge of Al Shabaab. Development assistance support structures such as the Aid Coordination Unit and the Somali Development and Reconstruction facility have been established, to ensure that aid promised to Somalia is coordinated, delivered and monitored. To ensure transparency and better fiscal management, the Central Bank has been revitalised through the appointment of a new Governor, Deputy Governor and Board of Directors, and the Financial Governance Committee, which delivers financial oversight has been set up. Infrastructure progress includes 35 km of rehabilitated roads in Mogadishu, and flagship projects such as building District Headquarters, courts, police stations, hospitals and water wells have been started in Jowhar and Merca.

The United Nations Multi-donor Trust Fund is operational with money beginning to flow to the Treasury, thus supporting the functioning of the Central Bank. Working groups for the five Peace and State building goals have been established and are in the process of identifying practical programs that will be delivered on the ground throughout Somalia. The plan to take Vision 2016 to the regions for consultation and discussion will be finished and consultation meetings will begin very soon.

The President said, “Somalia is meeting the targets for the New Deal. It was a pleasure to discuss our plans today with our friends in the international community and together reflect on what has been achieved all ready. All good things require planning and hard work to make them reality. We have spent many months finalising plans and strategies that are necessary to ensure that when we begin to deliver programs throughout Somalia that they are the right ones which will make the most difference.

“Sometimes progress is difficult to see- especially in the beginning- but we are looking forward to getting these programs ‘out in the sun’ where people can see that this government is working hard on their behalf.

“For example, we have been discussing setting up interim administrations for a long time. The reality is that the planning stage of anything is never very visible, but tomorrow, we begin training a group of 165 Caretaker Administrators so that they are equipped to begin the task of interim District Administration. These people will be living and working in communities; their work and their results will be visible,” the President said.

Speaking at the Forum, Special Representative of the UN Secretary General, Mr Nicholas Kay, said, “Today, the international community and The President have reconfirmed their mutual commitment to moving forward quickly, together. There are many things to do and the risk is too great to be distracted now.

“We agreed that we were not satisfied with the progress that had been achieved. We need to go further and faster. We agreed a set of important actions needed to be done in the coming six weeks by the Federal Government and international partners,” he added.

Concluding the Forum, The President confirmed the Government’s commitment to immediate action, “Today, we took stock of where we are and committed to six areas that require speedy resolution. These areas include: finalising the Vision 2016 consultation plan and beginning consultations; the establishment of the Federalism Commission, National Election Commission and Independent Constitutional Review Commission; forming interim district administrations and setting up Peace and Security committees in these areas; security of supply routes for providing food and other goods to restored areas; activating an adequate humanitarian response; delivering $3million for peace-building activities; and establishing the Independent Advisory Panel as part of the Financial Governance Strengthening Program to provide expert advice on major concessions and contracts of high value and high risk.

“We have an ambitious agenda ahead of us, and I look forward to working with my colleagues across all Somali institutions and our international friends to deliver results that build a better Somalia,” the President ended.

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Madaxweyne Xasan oo Shir guddoomiyay shir looga hadlayay hormarka Soomaaliya[Sawirro]


unnamed (32)

Muqdisho[RBC Radio]Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya Mudane Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud ayaa shir-guddoomiyey Shirkii ugu horreeyey ee fulinta ee heerka sare ee Madashada Saaxiibada (the first High Level Partnership Forum (HLPF) executive meeting, kaasi oo lagu qabtay Muqdisho.

Madasha oo ay ka qeyb-galeen in ka badan 15 Safiir iyo wakiillo wakaalado caalami ah, waxaa dib loogu eegay horumarka Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliyeed iyo taageerada la xiriirta ee Beesha Caalamka si loo xaqiijiyo howlihii Barnaamijka Hiigsiga Cusub, Aragtida Fog ee 2016 iyo Ujeeddooyinkii Nabad iyo Dowlad Dhisid (the New Deal Compact, Vision 2016 and the Peace and State building Goals)

Madashu waxa ay kormeer u tahay Fulinta Barnaamijka Heshiiskaas waana meesha ugu muhiimsan ee looga hadlo ahmiyadaha nabadda iyo dowlad dhisidda Soomaaliyeed inta u dhaxeysa 2013 iyo 2016. Qaramada Midoobay iyo Saaxiibada Caalamka waxaa ka go’an in ay waafajiyaan taageeriddooda Soomaaliya mudnaanta heshiiskaas ee ay Soomaaliya u baahantahay sida: Wadahadalka Siyaasadda ee loo dhan yahay, Nabadgelyada, Cadaaladda, aas-aaska dhaqaalaha, dakhliga iyo deegga.

Wakiilka gaarka ah ee Xoghayaha Guud ee Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan Soomaaliya, Mr Nicholas Kay, Waxa uu yiri, “ Maanta Beesha Caalamka iyo Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya waxa ay ay sii adkeeyeen go’aankoodii ahaa in horey loogu sii socdo si deg deg ah. Waxaa jira arrimo badan oo in la qabto loo baahan yahay khatartuna wey badan tahay”

Madaxweynaha oo Madasha hadal ka jeediyay ayaa caddeeyey in Dowladda Federaalku ay wax badan ka qabatay ujeeddooyinka lagu heshiiyey. Waxqabadka la soo bandhigay waxaa ka mid ah xoreynta laga xoreeyay dhibkii Al-Shabaab 3 milyan oo qof oo deggan 9 magaalo iyo 6 gobal.

Qaababka taageerada lagu xoojinayo taageerada horumarinta sida Unugga iskubadrididda Gargaarka (Aid Coordination Unit) iyo Sanduuqa Horumarinta iyo Dib-u-dhska Soomaaliyee ( and the Somali Development and Reconstruction facility) oo la sameeyayey si loo hubiyo garagaarkii Soomaaliya loo ballan-qaaday in la iskuduwey lana ilaaliyey. Haddaba si loo helo hufnaan iyo maamul maaliyadeed oo wanaagsan, Bankigii Dhexe ayaa boorka laga jafay, iyada oo la magacaabay Guddoomiyihii Bankiga, Ku-Xigeenka Guddoomiyaha iyo Golaha Maamulka Bankiga iyo Guddiga Maamulka maaliyadeed iyo waliba Guddiga kormeerka maaliyadeed.

Horumarka Kaabayaasha waxaa ka mid ah 35 KM oo jidad Magaalada Muqdisho dhexdeeda ah, mashruucyo waaweyn oo ay ka mid yihiin Dhisidda Xarun-maamuleedka degmooyinka, Maxkamadaha, saldhigyada Booliska, isbitaallada iyo ceelal biyaha oo laga billaabey Jowhar iyo Marka. Sanduuqa Deeq-bixiyeyaasha badan ee Qaramada Midoobay (The United Nations Multi-donor Trust Fund) waa mid shaqeynaya oo lacagtii waxa ay billowday in ay ku soo qulqusho khasnadda middaas oo wax katareysa shaqada bankiga Dhexe. Kooxo Shaqo oo ka shaqeynaya ujeedooyinka shanta (5) ah ee nabadda iyo dowlad-dhisidda ayaa la dhishay kuwaas oo kujira howlo la taaban karo oo ah barnaamijo la fulin karo. Qorshaha lagu gaarsiinayo Aragtida 2016 Goballada si loola tashto ayaa heer gabogabo ah maraayo.

Madaxweynuhu waxa uu yir ‘ Soomaaliya wey xaqiijineysaa ujeeddooyinka Hiigsiga Cusub. Waxaa farxad noo ah in aan maanta kala doodno saaxiibadeenna Beesha caalamka qorshoyaasheenna si wadajir ah uga baaraandageyno wixii la qabtay. Ujeedooyinku waxa ay u baahan yihiin qorshe iyo howl adag si ay xaqiiqo u noqdaan. Bilo badan ayay naga qaadatay in aan dhameystirno qorsheyaasha iyo istaraatiijiyooyinka muhiimka u ah in la hubiyo marka ay barnaamijyadan miro dhalayaan Soomaaliya oo dhan iyo in ay yihiin kuwii saxda ahaa ee isbeddelka sameyn lahaa.

Madaxweyne Xasan waxa uu sidoo kale yiri “ maanta waxa aan ka faa’ideysaneynaa halka aan mareyno waxaana naga go’an lixda meelood ee u baahan xalka deg degga ah. Lixdaas meel waa: Dhammeystirka Hiigsiga 2016, sameynta Guddiga Federaalk, Guddiga Doorashooyinka, Guddiga Madaxa-bannaan ee dib u eegista Dastuurka, sameynta maamullada KMG ah ee degmooyinka iyo sameynta guddiyada nabadgalyada ee meelahaas”

“ Waxaa na horyaalla ajandayaal waa weyn waxaana fileynaa la shaqeynta saaxiibadeen dhammaan hey’adaha Dowladda iyo saaxiibadeenna caalamiga ah si loo helo natiijo lagu dhiso Soomaaliya oo sidan ka wanaagsan” ayuu Madaxweynuhu ku soo gabagabeeyay hadalkiisa.

unnamed (28) unnamed (29) unnamed (30) unnamed (31) unnamed (32) unnamed (33) unnamed (34) unnamed (36)
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Banaanbax Lagu Taageerayo Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh oo Hadda Ka Bilawday Muqdisho


raxanreeb_degdegMuqdisho (RBC) Waxaa gordhow magaalada Muqdisho ka bilawday dibadbax sida la sheegay lagu taageerayo madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud oo dhowaan xildhibanada baarlamaanka ay ugu baaqeen inuu iscasilo.

Bananaanbaxan oo uu qabanqaabiyey maamulka gobolka Banaadir ayaa ka socda garoonka kubbada cagta ee Koonis ee magaalada Muqdisho.

Boqollaal dadweyne ah oo laga soo daabulay degmooyinka gobolka Banaadir ayaa la geeyay garoonka.

Amaanka waddooyinka iyo garoonka uu ka socdo dibadbaxa ayaa saaka la geeyey ciidamo iyadoo si aad ah loo adkeeyay amaanka goobta.

Banaanbaxan ayaa imaanaya xilli madaxtooyada weli ay ku mashquulsan tahay sidii ay u kala tuuri lahayd xildhibaanada saxiixay codsi madaxweynaha loogu baaqayey inuu iska casilo xilka iyagoo ku eedeeyay inuu ku fashilmay hogaaminta dalka.

Arbacadii la soo dhaafay ayuu madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh dib ugu soo laabtay dalka, iyadoo soo dhoweyn ka duwan tii horey loogu sameyn jiray loo sameeyay.

Banaanbaxa maanta ayaa ujeedkiisa lagu tilmaamay mid lagu muujinayo taageerada uu heysto madaxweynaha iyo in dhoolatus ay u noqoto kooxaha mucaaradsan siyaasadda madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh.

Ma cadda in madaxweynaha laftiiaa uu tegi doono goobta isaga loogu banaanbaxayo, hase yeeshee wasiirada xukumadda qaarkood ayaa la sheegayaa inay ka hadli doonaan goobta mudaaharaadku ka socdo.


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