Here is the Music Player. You need to installl flash player to show this cool thing!
U Dhaqdaqaaqaha arimaha bulshada Soomaaliyeed ee Dalka Mareykanka Mudane Sadik Warfa ayaa kulan uu u magacdaray FAGAARAHA isugu yeeray Culumada ugu waaweyn ee dacwada ka wada magaalooyinka Mataanaha ee Minneapolis iyo St Paul.
Culumada ayaa kala ahaa
Sh Cabdiraxmaan [Masjidka Abuubakar Sadiiq]
Sh Xassan Jaamici [Masjidka Dacwa]
Sh Cabdiraxmaan Sh Shariif [Masjidka Darul Hijra]
Sadik oo ugu horeyn furay shirka ayaa waxa uu sharaxaad ka bixiyey waxa uu kulanka ku saabsan yahay waxana uu sheegay in ay mudan tahay in Soomaalidu ay wada hadlaan afkartooda si fiican isku dhaafsadaan waxa uu kulanka cinwaankiisu ahaa Doorka Culumada ay ku leedahay Dibu Dhiska Dalka Soomaaliya.
Here is the Music Player. You need to installl flash player to show this cool thing!
Here is the Music Player. You need to installl flash player to show this cool thing!
Here is the Music Player. You need to installl flash player to show this cool thing!
Here is the Music Player. You need to installl flash player to show this cool thing!
Here is the Music Player. You need to installl flash player to show this cool thing!
Here is the Music Player. You need to installl flash player to show this cool thing!
Here is the Music Player. You need to installl flash player to show this cool thing!
Here is the Music Player. You need to installl flash player to show this cool thing!
Here is the Music Player. You need to installl flash player to show this cool thing!
Here is the Music Player. You need to installl flash player to show this cool thing!
Here is the Music Player. You need to installl flash player to show this cool thing!
Here is the Music Player. You need to installl flash player to show this cool thing!
Here is the Music Player. You need to installl flash player to show this cool thing!
Here is the Music Player. You need to installl flash player to show this cool thing!
Here is the Music Player. You need to installl flash player to show this cool thing!
Here is the Music Player. You need to installl flash player to show this cool thing!
Suaalaha ay shacabka ay culumada weydiiyeen dib ayaanu idiinkaga soo gudbin doonaa